5 reasons why you don't have to be a daredevil to buy a Drift camera

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As soon as people hear about action cameras they think of adventure - of daring escapes to the far corners of the world. So naturally, when they think of buying an action camera, they immediately ask themselves if they are an adventurer. If the answer is yes - great! But if you’re not an inherent thrill-seeker and more of a laid back sort of person - someone that likes to take things easy - you’ll most likely just wave off the idea of buying an action camera, right? Well, here’s the thing, you really don’t need to be a daredevil to buy a Drift camera - it has something on offer for everyone! In fact, we’ve listed down five reasons why you should get your hands on a Drift camera even if constant adventure isn’t at the top of your priority list.

And hey, if you’ve already decided to get your hands on a Drift camera, scroll down to the bottom for a quick buyer’s guide to help you decide which product is for you!

#1 Drift cameras are built with durability in mind

Drift cameras are designed to withstand harsh conditions and constant wear and tear. Since most users buy a camera like this to record their extreme adventuring sessions, they are waterproof, shockproof and are in fact near-indestructible.

Products like the Ghost X Drift camera are also outfitted with incredible battery power, with optional modules that extend the recording time to a staggering eight hours!


Drift Camera

Now, you might be thinking that’s all great, but how does any of that really matter to someone who isn’t routinely engaging in extreme sports or adventure? Well, think about it - how many times have you dropped your phone over the last month? How often did you run out of battery on your camcorder while you were out recording? Maybe your dog discovered a new chew toy for himself. When you think about it, everyday life can sometimes be just as hectic as climbing a mountain or kayaking through a set of white rapids - and your camera could be in for quite a number of trials and tribulations. A Drift camera is up to the challenge, of course.

#2 You can easily mount your Drift camera

One factor that tends to give buyers pause when buying an action camera is all the additional equipment you have to purchase to get it working right. We’re talking about holsters and tac harnesses and so on. It might seem like a good investment if you’re a thrill-seeker, but it can be understandably off-putting to regular buyers.

Drift Camera

This isn’t an issue with a Drift camera. You can mount it up on your helmet, bike, skateboard and all manner of other equipment that you’ll be using regularly. So you can be your very own videographer, recording your daily commutes with no additional accessories required. It might even help with your own security as you have the means to routinely record your daily schedule.

#3 The imaging capabilities of your Drift camera

So, recording your daily commutes and chores seems like a good idea, right? Well, you might be inclined to say that you could just do that with your phone or regular camcorder - it wouldn’t even be that hard to find a mount for them! Not so fast! See a Drift camera has a major advantage over those when it comes to recording, and that is its imaging capabilities.

Drift cameras have an amazing field of view - the Ghost XL, for example, has a field of view which extends up to 140 degrees. Compare this to the average phone which maxes out around 64 degrees. Products like the Ghost 4K offer this FOV in stunning 4K resolution at 30 frames-per-second. All this means that your recordings are far clearer and you’ll be able to spot a lot more details in them.

#4 It’s a great deal!

With all the advantages a Drift camera has over traditional camcorders, it might surprise you that the latter often costs a lot more. Part of the reason for this is that action cameras are mainly valued for their durability and compactness, while camcorders are still seen as the go-to for video quality.

But like we just went over, Drift action cameras are more than capable of matching this quality while being far more portable, durable and less costly. Sounds like a great deal, doesn’t it? Well, what if we told you we decided to make it even better?

#5 You might even get a taste for adventure yourself!

Now, this might sound a little crazy, but using a Drift camera might just infuse you with a sense of adventure. Recording your daily schedule is great, mounting a camera on your helmet might make things safer for everyone - but how about a grand panoramic view from atop a conquered mountain summit? And hey, adventure doesn’t always have to be so ‘extreme’ - how about say hooking up the waterproof Ghost XL to your car or bike and going on a nice, long highway drive?

This isn’t to say that you’ll end up adopting the thrill-seeking life. Rather, now whenever you do get the itch to go adventuring for a much-needed change of pace, you’ll have the right companion to record all the good times with.

Planning on buying a Drift camera right now?

So, how about it, with the year winding down, why not treat yourself to a Drift camera before we jump into a new decade? Now, don’t worry if you’re having trouble deciding on what to get though, here’s a quick rundown on what your options are. Interestingly, the following items are what we have on offer this special season!

The Ghost X combines sleek design with no-fuss operational functionality. It’s a camera you can rely on whether you’re trekking up a cliffside or riding your bike to grab some groceries!  The Ghost X’s one-touch recording function will ensure that you’ll never miss the shot you want to take. You can even install a long-life battery module to increase the camera’s already impressive recording time! Oh, and the best part? We’ve got some amazing deals going on for the Ghost X over at our site right now for all of you in the United States!

The Ghost XL is your go-to if you’re looking for durability. It comes with a supercharged battery that’s capable of lasting for nine hours while recording at 1080p. The Ghost XL is also completely waterproof right out of the box, and you can even get a waterproof adaptor cable to keep your camera nice and charged for those extra long recording sessions. We’ve also got some fantastic deals going on for the Ghost XL and its accessories for all you shoppers in the US, right now! Just head on over to our site to check it out.

Finally, if you’re planning to get your hands on a Drift camera, check out the great sale we’ve got going right here. It’s the perfect opportunity to pick up a Ghost X or Ghost XL before the decade closes out!.

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